
Laser Perforations : The Perfect Hole Every Time! Learn How to Achieve Consistent Shelf Life and Product Safety

Oct. 17, 2024
Laser Perforations

Laser Perforations

For every laser trigger, a pulse of energy is generated to create a micro-perforated hole on your flexible packaging. The Laser Perforations Monitor feature confirms that the laser has been triggered and fired. An alarm will sound and the process will stop if the firing is different from the predetermined selection conditions. This monitoring is for every laser, thus all lanes are under verification. Upon the completion of the roll, the total number of perforations per laser and the differences from the expected numbers are reported on the screen as seen below.

Perforation Monitor

To further decide if laser perforations is the packaging solution you are looking for, check out this article regarding the capabilities of our New Preco Web Direction Series Equipment.